


事情发生的经过: In December, we're often in the mindframe of finished business and holiday focus. 在“短期会议”一年, we're still full steam at the General Assembly as its 2017-18 membership narrows down final business. 
单词释义: 在今年一月新班级开学之前, 议员们继续完成有关法案的工作,使现已获准的宪法修正案以及许多其他事项成为可能, 从电动滑板车到在第9国会选区发现的明显的选举违规行为的影响. 
利用: Lawmakers plan to continue business into next week, though inclement weather may impact the flow of things. 否则, 会议工作将于周一恢复,因为立法者将推动立法,并与州长就法院涉及的事项进行谈判,如该法案的未来 州选举委员会
瘦子: We've reported numerous times that legislators, with their announced focus on constitutional amendment bills, weren't restricted on legislative topics they could take up in this reconvening. This Bulletin highlights a few other proposals or discussions of interest municipalities. 

在会议前的发言中 综合委员会N.C. 运输委员会 周三, 365足彩下载强调了利用该州交通网络实现宽带连接的重要性. 拥有广泛的通行权, 365足彩下载说, the State of North Carolina played a critical role in building high-speed broadband capacity across the state. It is often less expensive to place broadband fiber conduit along road and 铁路 right-of-way, 在演讲中,365足彩下载赞扬了该州将宽带管道纳入其承担的每个新项目的新政策. Specifically regarding modes of transportation besides cars and trucks, because internet connectivity drives many 的 evolving shared transportation solutions, 365足彩下载还敦促多式联运委员会成员制定政策,管理收集这些交通工具产生的数据. Those recommendations included policies for data ownership, data-sharing with other levels of government such as cities, and the security of personally-identifying 信息. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

2017- 2018年联大仍在举行最后会议,讨论最近批准的宪法修正案等议题, 各种州委员会的存在, 电子滑板车等等. 到周四, 立法机关已经完成了一项法案,为新宪法修正案设定了条件,要求带照片的身份证才能投票. 和 正如新闻报道的那样 & 观察者 罗利的选举新闻 在全国范围内展开 北卡罗莱纳州第9国会选区的一名议员已经导致立法者在选民身份法案中关注这一问题, having added the photo ID requirement to absentee ballot requests. 政府. Roy Cooper may sign or veto the bill; the legislature's veto-proof majority is still in place. (Meanwhile, with more regard to the 9th District issues, senators called on 政府. 库珀成立了一家“独立”公司, bipartisan task force to investigate absentee ballot irregularities that have spanned multiple election cycles,“根据一个 推特来自参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰.) 
参议院本周也通过了该法案 一项法案 that could do away with numerous state boards, 包括那些监督净水管理信托基金和公园和娱乐信托基金拨款的机构. But, as we reported in last week's Bulletin, the bill does not affect funding. As the Insider State 政府ernment News Service reported, 有关的六个最近改组的委员会在三权分立的情况下被法院裁定违宪, per the legislature's power to appoint most 的 boards' members. 法案发起人参议员. 和y Wells said the court's decision was the premise 的 bill, which would terminate the boards if not restructured by the end 的 fiscal year. 众议院尚未对该法案进行表决.  

众议院昨日投票通过了一项提案,这是该州首次尝试监管电动滑板车, 或“e-scooters.“从春天开始, numerous private companies have placed fleets of e-scooters into cities across the state. Riders rent the scooters by using their smartphones, then leave the scooters undocked at their destination, 准备好迎接下一个骑手. 365足彩下载与私人电动滑板车公司的代表就拟议的变更进行了谈判,并支持对第12节中包含的现行法律进行更新.5 of SB 469技术修正. 这些更新包括电动滑板车的技术定义,以及将电动滑板车从机动车登记和所有权要求中删除. 现在该法案将提交参议院, the League anticipates taking part in much more comprehensive e-scooter discussions next session. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

城市和城镇面临着进一步的限制,他们从工业中收回审查小型蜂窝应用的成本的能力 SB 469技术修正. 这项措施, 载于法案第4条, 扩大目前对小型小区申请费的限制,使其也适用于分区申请审查和技术顾问费用. 通常的做法是,市政当局向行业收取检查其是否遵守适用于该行业的当地发展和公共安全规则的费用. With this proposal, taxpayers will now pay the costs for reviewing these applications. In a largely party-line vote yesterday, the House moved the bill to the Senate for consideration. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

本周,众议院提出了一项措施,废除对北卡罗来纳州宽带和有线电视可用性的年度报告要求. The proposal came in Section 1 的 House’s omnibus 技术修正法案, which passed over to the Senate yesterday largely along party lines. During the floor debate, repeal proponent 代表. 杰森·塞恩承诺将在下一届会议上努力制定一项新的国家级宽带数据收集要求. 他的承诺是对许多众议院议员质疑取消报告要求背后的理由的回应. The reports collect 信息 on cable providers’ service areas across the state, 当他们关注有线电视服务时, 它们还可以作为宽带可用性的代表,因为通过有线电视获得宽带服务的北卡罗来纳州企业和家庭比其他任何技术都多. 
在委员会和众议院的辩论中, legislators expressed concern that if the data collection ceased, the state would have less 信息 about which areas 的 state have broadband service. 代表. Saine resp​​onded that the report proposed for repeal was outdated and did not provide useful 信息. 然而, 他还表示,他已经与国家信息技术部讨论了如何用一份提供更好的国家级宽带服务信息的报告来取代这份报告, which he said he would pursue in the upcoming "long session" that begins in January. The need for more accurate broadband data is acute, 365足彩下载还报告了联邦通信委员会收集的联邦宽带服务数据的缺陷, including in the recent 市政方程 podcast episode, “地图错了.“联系: 艾琳Wynia

美国商务部发布了2019年县级经济等级排名,与前一年相比有28处变化. 这些等级——旨在反映一个县的经济状况,从最困难的一级到最不困难的三级——在分配全州社区的各种赠款和其他基金时被考虑在内. 信息发布 details which counties have changed in tier status for 2019. Factors determining a county's tier status are unemployment rate, 家庭收入中位数, population growth and assessed property value per capita. 
While the tier system has been the subject of legislative discussion and some adjustments, 批评人士说,它过于简化或概括了县和社区的经济动态,没有捕捉到高水平县的困境, which subsequently may miss out on funding opportunities designed to help them. North Carolina's cities and towns have made it an 365体育足彩目标 支持立法,修改当前国家用于分配资金的确定经济需求的方法,以便该州有需要的其他地区可以从经济发展中受益, 工作, 看到更多的创业创新. 

申请需要在12月10日前提交. 佛罗伦萨事件后,联邦应急管理局提供了13美元的援助.  " Grants and loans are available to help people put their lives back together, and it’s critical to register with FEMA before the December 13 deadline,“政府. 库珀在周三的新闻发布会上说,截止日期也适用于美国政府提供的低息灾难贷款.S. 小企业管理局. 点击这里 for more 信息 on eligibility and how to apply.

退休系统的成员,包括地方政府雇员退休系统,现在可以获得新的, 网上退休申请. "The online application doesn’t overwhelm members with dozens of empty fields that they must complete,” 信息 来自州财政办公室. ”而不是, 在线申请允许会员在小范围内完成退休申请,而不是压倒性的或令人困惑的.“看! 简短的视频 演示应用程序门户.

To boost awareness of multimodal projects and their positive impacts, the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has announced a new awards program honoring such work of local entities, 包括城市和城镇. “让我们认可你们社区的计划!“球 资料表 他们称之为“莫比奖. 自行车, 行人, 铁路, 交通, 渡轮和航空项目是多式联运的重点,“是北卡罗来纳州未来的重要组成部分。,NCDOT说。. “它们将人与地方连接起来, provide alternative modes of travel and make the state more accessible, 有吸引力和竞争力. 五类——城市, 郊区, 农村, Tourism and Innovation -- will have winners at an awards luncheon this spring. 申请截止日期为1月10日. 22, 2019. 点击这里 有关资格和标准的信息.